Career Transition Coaching
Career Transition Coaching
What is it?
An intensive 3-month program that will clarify who you are, what you want, and how to get it.
Who is it for?
People who feel stuck in their career, are scared to make a change, and are unsure where to start.
Start by digging deep into where you are now, where you have been, and where you are going. Then, build a career database based on your first building block and finish by constructing your golden circle: What will you do next? How will you achieve it? Why do you want to go down this path?
What makes my process unique?
Workbook. Clarify your future in 3 building blocks and document your journey in a workbook which is yours to keep. The workbook will guide you through the coaching program and will be your personalized career guide.
Strong empathy. Partner with someone who has been in your shoes. I understand the paralyzing fear that comes with a career change and will not leave you in the dark.
Data-driven. Use 3 assessment tests which will help clarify who you are. Throughout the coaching program, we will use quantifiable tools to measure your results and gain greater insight into your core essence.
“I recommend Elizabeth with my whole heart! I reached out to her because I felt stuck and unhappy in my current career but didn't know what I wanted to do instead. I gave her the incredibly difficult task to find out what I want and what would make me happy. This was something I personally wasn't able to figure out for the past 5 years. Elizabeth has taken the time to understand me, where I'm coming from, why I'm stuck and scared to move on. She helped me find career options which are suitable given my personality and interests. I can't possibly thank her enough!”
— Travel & Lifestyle Influencer
"I cannot get over how neatly tied in a bow that last session was.
Like WOW, I cannot believe I have a life plan.
-Former Recruiter pivoting to Graphic Designer
"Elizabeth is very thoughtful and impactful. All conversations with her have been insightful the navigation done by her has helped me explore my motives values drivers. They have helped me immensely in changing some tangible behaviors."
-Head of Planning, Energy Company
"Elizabeth is an amazing coach."
-Director, IT Consulting Firm